Dahlia Guido

Profile picture of Dahlia Guido, a professional web developer in training

About Me

Howdy! I'm Dahlia, a dedicated web developer with a passion for crafting functional and user-focused applications. With a strong foundation in HTML and CSS, I bring a blend of creativity and technical expertise to every project. Currently, I'm diving headfirst into JavaScript and exploring the exciting world of React.

I firmly believe in the power of the web as a platform for innovation and connection. Feel free to explore my portfolio and don't hesitate to reach out, I'm just a click away. Let's team up and create extraordinary digital experiences to make the web a more engaging and inclusive space for everyone.


  • PawFect Match
  • Pawfect Match is a web application that allows pet owners to connect with others in their neighborhood to schedule playdates for their pets. Powered by Node.js, Express, MySQL, and Sequelize for seamless functionality. Handlebars and Tailwind CSS ensure a stylish and user-friendly interface, all securely managed with Firebase realtime chat, BCrypt, and the app is publicly deployed with Heroku.

  • NodeJS  JavaScript  mysql  sequelize  firebase  handlebars  express  ORM
  • >> Link to GitHub Repository
  • >> Link to deployed application

Contact Me